Interview with Konstantin Mpampos, Associate Specialist Chemistry R&D, Innovation at Perstorp AB
What is PERSTORP’s role in PERFORM? Why is it interesting for the company to participate in this project?
The main role Perstorp has in the PERFORM project is to test the produced material in different formulations from the pilot, in particular the valeric acid (VA), as well as to benchmark it against the one produced by other technologies on an industrial scale. VA and its esters are mainly used in perfumes and cosmetics as food additives, due to the fruity flavour of the esters, but also as plasticizers and pharmaceuticals.
Perstorp is at present producing VA on an industrial scale and has a long experience of different oxo processes, including a substantial experience on downstream products based, not only on valeric acid but also on other comparable acids and products. The company uses VA in esters for synthetic lubricants, as raw material for Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient (API) production, and for making esters for aroma chemicals. In example, ProPhorce™ Valerins (glycerol esters of valeric acid) is a new breakthrough product introduced by Perstorp for feed purposes to boost animal performance.
Our company’s interest in the PERFORM project, as well as in other projects that aim to use sustainable feedstock, together with technologies that facilitate reducing the carbon footprint, is aligned with our sustainability strategy set for the coming years.
Perstorp’s ambition is to achieve finite material neutral production. We continuously develop new products and applications based on sustainable raw material and energy. Green chemicals produced via the electrochemical route create valuable assets along the development path and toward fulfilment of the ambition we have as a company. Being one of the world’s leading chemical companies focusing on sustainable coating, adhesives, feed and food, and plastic material market segments it is important for us to follow the development and contribute to that.